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Results for "tradition: Judaism"
Love's Voice Four kabbalistic haiku poems on God by Richard Zimler.
Amazing Chesed Rami Shapiro on God is what is: the source and substance of all reality.
The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery Collette Aboulker-Muscat on how there is no motion without emotion.
The Kabbalah Reader Menachem Mendel Schneerson on how the current generation is searching for meaning and needs spiritual leaders.
Where Justice Dwells Jill Jacobs on doing social justice as a spiritual practice.
The Book of Job Donald Kraus on the theological point of the book of Job.
Freedom Journeys Arthur Waskow and Phyllis Berman on why openness to boundary crossers in our time is the right thing to do.
Proverbs Rami Shapiro on how we are admonished to see the world clearly in the Book of Proverbs.
Jewish Wisdom Joseph Telushkin on taking a bath as an act of devotion.
Abraham Joshua Heschel Abraham Joshua Heschel on faith beginning in the mystery of living and of wonder.